
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Food Delivery is My Friend

I'm so excited! A few weeks ago a vehicle painted with images of produce pulled up to my building and delivered a green crate to my neighbor. Hubby pointed it out to me, so I walked out to meet the driver and see what this veggie van was about.

As it turns out Greenling is an Austin company that just started up in Dallas, and they deliver fresh organic food. We love to cook, and we buy all our dairy and about half of our fresh fruits and veggies organic. The idea of getting an entire box of all local organic food delivered appeals to both my desire to eat cleaner foods and to my inner foodie, who just so happens to be super lazy. (Fewer store runs. Hurray!)

And yeah, I love that they list the farmers. Publishing who grew what helps keep producers honest and inspires us to want to buy from them because we now know who they are.

This is my first local box, so we'll see how the rest of the process goes. If my neighbor's reaction is any indication, it should go really well. In the mean time, I'm looking at recipes. The contents of the local box rotate weekly based on what local farmers have produced. These people are so smart. They've include weekly recipes based on the contents they deliver, a huge time saver for those who cook and a guide for those just learning how.

OK, by now you're wondering if this is a paid review. Well no. My Scribble Pad is just where I blab about whatever I want. Greenling, in fact, has no idea I'm writing any of this. I'm just really excited about them, that's all. And the fact that their driver and their chat customer service person treated me so well probably contributed to my impulse to tell you guys about them.

So I'll post again once my local box gets here. Anyone else using Greenling?

1 comment:

  1. With that kind of service, you wouldn't even need to visit the grocery store anymore for these products and that means you can get to enjoy more time with your family!!


Thanks for the comment!


The NONEXISTENT Rockway Press Short Story Contest

Rockway Press never actually posted the winners of the 2007 contest. Their site has entirely disappeared, and they're on the Preditors and Editors list.