
Friday, June 18, 2010

Walking Around Mexico City

We walked ten kilometers today. It's always surprising to me how far I can walk when the terrain is visually interesting… and when it’s not a hundred degrees outside. If ever anyone wonders about the reach of US Business, just know that we were running errands to Home Depot and Walmart. I know, not at all exotic, but there was so much to see on the way (including an airplane-turned-library), so many cars to dodge, so many people everywhere; and we, of course, had a taco encounter.
We may have attempted to resist and keep walking past the man on the bicycle, but he was selling tacos de canasta. Who knows where he might ride off to! OK, there are other “basket taco” vendors, but they are on the go as well. What if we didn’t run into another one for weeks? So, with our excuse firmly in place, we feasted under a tree in front of the Casa de la Cultura.

After the long walk, we had yet another fabulous home-cooked meal followed by, of course, a nap. No longer am I the odd ball that sleeps during the day in a nation of non-nappers. Here napping is not lazy; it’s sacred. I feel so understood.

Evening errands took us to a friend’s house for a very laid back and pleasant visit. And yes, we ended up at the taco stand again. I’m sure the fascination will subside soon, but until then, we are happy to support local business. Hee hee hee.


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The NONEXISTENT Rockway Press Short Story Contest

Rockway Press never actually posted the winners of the 2007 contest. Their site has entirely disappeared, and they're on the Preditors and Editors list.